Monitoring a workforce and member of the public



This Lesson is about monitoring and tracking systems in computer systems. This lesson covers a wide range of technologies that are used by a variety of people and organizations for many different purposes. Keeping track of where employees are and what they are doing has always been of concern to businesses, however, improvements in technology have allowed vast improvements in both the accuracy and depth of surveillance possible.


Lesson 1: Monitoring a workforce and member of the public

Lesson 2: Cookies

Lesson 3 Key-logging


·         Describe how a workforce or member of the public can be monitored or logged

·         Describe the use of CCTV cameras

·         Describe GPS tracking system

Lesson 1

Monitoring a workforce and member of the public

Employee monitoring is a method where employers use to survey their workforce. These methods include employee monitoring software, time clocks, CCTV, GPS systems, and biometric technology.

CCTV cameras

A closed-circuit television camera can produce images or recordings for surveillance or other private purposes. Most businesses and organizations use CCTV cameras to keep track of their employees and customers. CCTV has been around for decades, however recent improvements in technology (Micro-controllers and Internet) mean that CCTV can now be easily, cheaply, and securely streamed across the internet.

Uses of CCTV Cameras

·         Crime prevention, such as theft

·         Safety – check for fires

·         Checking if employees are at their desks

·         Vehicle monitoring to help with traffic flow

Click this link to read about CCTV cameras

GPS Tracking Systems

GPS tracking systems are one of the most widely available tracking systems available, largely because most smartphones now have the technology fitted as standard.

GPS is used for:

·         Tracking employee locations for safety purposes

·         Keeping track of vehicle location for planning and crime prevention purposes.

·         Stop employees using vehicles for personal use.

·         Location tracking for fitness apps.

·         Emergency location finding (e.g. breakdown services)

·         Live traffic and accident tracking (if the GPS signals from multiple vehicles on the motorway stop suddenly then there is either a traffic jam or an accident!

Click this link to read more about GPS and how it works



·         Describe Monitoring and Tracking a member of the public?


Click this link to do an online quiz


Monitoring employees can improve employee productivity, simplify payroll, improve record-keeping and reduce legal liability, it can also sow seeds of distrust and fear among workers who aren’t so keen on having their every move tracked.

Feedback to quizzes

Question 1 Answer = True

Question 2 Answer = Closed Circuit Television

Question 3

Answer: Crime prevention, such as theft

Safety – check for fires

Checking if employees are at their desks

Vehicle monitoring to help with traffic flow

Question 4

Answer: Monitoring software, time clocks, CCTV, and GPS systems


List and describe all methods used to monitor or track the workforce and the public. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of monitoring employees and the public. 



Assignment Rubric








Cover page

Table of content






The writing perfectly accomplishes the objectives of the assignment

The writing effectively accomplishes the goals of the assignment

Accomplishes the goals of the assignment with an overall effective approach.

Minimally accomplishes the goals of the assignment

Minimally accomplishes the majority of

the goals of the assignment

Fails to accomplish the goals of the assignment




At the end of the lesson, you must be able to describe how to monitor and track the public and describe the methods used to track or monitor employees and the public.

·         Reflect on what you have learned or not learned, difficulties you encountered, meaningfulness, or meaningless of the lesson to you.

·         Reflect on the presentation of the lesson and on whether you enjoyed it or not and say why.

·         What do you think are the uses of monitoring software that helps to track employees and the Public?

·         Reflect the Conclusion of the lesson

Further reading


The test will be at the end of the unit. A link to an online test will be provided
