The Community of Inquiry

The Community of Inquiry 

The Community of Inquiry (COI) model describes how learning takes place for a group of individual learners through the educational experience that occurs at the intersection of social, cognitive, and teaching presence.
Social Presence 
Social Presence Is the ability of students to identify their characteristics into the community of inquiry, communicate purposefully in a trusting environment, and develop interpersonal relationships by presenting themselves as real people. Instructional media such as computer conferencing engender high levels of a student to student and student to teacher interaction, they can support models of teaching and learning that are highly interactive and consonant with the communicative ideals of secondary or university education. 

I have used Social Presence in online learning by meeting the minimum activity or assignment requirements. I can bring what I have to share with the class from their own experience in Telegram and Facebook groups. I open myself when talking about my difficulties and what I have learned and how I handle them and get what is needed. I used to value the timeliness of information and feedback because I know the importance of understanding the expectations of the course, including assignment requirements and due dates. 

Cognitive presence 
Cognitive presence considers how students move through the learning process, how they approach new problems, grow in understanding, and confirm meaning through sustained reflection and discourse in a critical Community of Inquiry. Cognitive presence help students develop the means to move beyond the early stages of learning to the stage where learning has meaning and where they can understand and apply new concepts. 

I use cognitive presence by an understanding of activity or assignment tasks that I have been given. It can Assess my learning strategies and proposing corrections to those processes. Cognitive presence reminds others of activity or assignment and encouraging them to focus on or contribute to activity or assignment. Helping with tasks, processes, or products of learning. Managing the movement through learning phases or activities. 

Teaching presence 
Teaching presence in the planning and forethought that go into building my course and what I am doing at the moment when interacting with my students. The parts of teaching presence that occur while the course is in a session include facilitation of discourse and direct instruction.

As a teacher, I can take to provide active teaching presence in an online course by drawing attention to important ideas and concepts, both in the course materials and in student comments or other work. By Selecting and arranging readings, videos, and other resources to scaffold concepts. By finding and displaying patterns in discussions and other communications and by demonstrating the skills I expect from my students both in terms of interaction and analysis.








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